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AccelDWH – IT Productivity

AccelDWH™ – a robust source of healthcare

CliniWorks‘ enterprise Clinical Data Warehouse solution – AccelDWH – transforms your medical data into an enterprise business intelligence and decision making solution.

Medical record data are extracted and processed from any format, system, architecture or content, whether structured, semi-structured or unstructured free-text.

Based on CliniWorks’ proprietary data processing technologies, including industry & custom dictionaries, 2M+ ontology concepts, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and rule-based upload technologies, AccelDWH promotes unified healthcare data management.

Data can be viewed and analyzed in either de-identified or identified environments.

Custom analytics, reports and alerts are driven by an intuitive query generation interface.

The AccelDWH is a comprehensive data warehousing solution that requires minimal IT implementation effort and maintenance. It is fully scalable and can accommodate any IT infrastructure.

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  • Aggregates Data from Any Source or Format 
  • Structured and free text data
  • Works with any EMR
  • MS-SQL Server Integrated
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • No APIs or Interface Programming Needed
  • Comprehensive User Management
  • Multi-Locations Management
  • Comprehensive Security Management
  • Built-In Reporting Engine
  • Connectivity Engine


